Thursday, May 30, 2013
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Wednesday, May 22, 2013
Dorothy E. Miller
this book is the book of all time
to read get your order on my webpage
this book is the book of all time

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Tuesday, May 21, 2013
Tips onWriting Nonfiction books
New letter
Tips on writing nonfiction books
Nonfiction: look up the history on the place where your story takes place. Look up the founders, you will find at local libary. Do research on the city and town you writing about start with someone estate you will find that at the city courhouse, in public recorders place your charrters there on the estate never write their names, look up new pape reocrds,tapes at the library, go to the community, make friends. Besue that your charactr reach their latitude and Altitude to keep the reader reading.
Tips on writing nonfiction books
Nonfiction: look up the history on the place where your story takes place. Look up the founders, you will find at local libary. Do research on the city and town you writing about start with someone estate you will find that at the city courhouse, in public recorders place your charrters there on the estate never write their names, look up new pape reocrds,tapes at the library, go to the community, make friends. Besue that your charactr reach their latitude and Altitude to keep the reader reading.
Friday, May 17, 2013
new Jerusalem
New Jerusalem, mystry romance thriller, three hearts in a tangle, with crimes scene's hate, love, lust, and murder, thIS book is full of it all. The potagonist makes it back home, on Key Biscayne he walked out on EIizabeth knowing she loved only him Anyone who had a heart could tell she loved, On his return, he knew that his love for Elizabeth would take all the hurt away he felt in his heart. He just wanted Elizabeth to love him just one more time; he was like a blind man he wants to heal all the cracks in their hearts with love. He know somday Elizabeth love would come back to him again, he had been mising it, and somtimes it takes a long time. Anyone who had a heart would know he still oved her. EIizabeth it was easy to achieve love with Elizabeth because it lived in the inside of her. The power of is love would take them higher, he was going to wait for love, In this book love and hate meets like the inlet Coastline River meet the ocean. Everything breaks open like a falling water melon,only to be eaten up by the participant. Elizabeth won with the four letter word love, Love is so much stronger then hate stronger than any malice plan, she gets her man back with love, inspike of it all love held things together like the thread holding the hand make sewing, Elizabeth loved him, she trusted his love she couldn't live without his love, she didn't know it then, Elizabeth was three month pregnant with twins a girl an a boy, Anyone who had a heart would know that she loved him only. Masqueraders laundering money, sweet, sweet smell of success, curses are broken, hearts are healed for humpy dumpy love falls.History keeps repeating itsdelf, we know longer ride in stage coaches, we hide in Mazarautis, Lamborghin, Mercedes Benz, every thing is modernized and standards have changed, but life still the same, we all are theatrical stars of God who loves dramatic pefformance. In this book Elizabeth crossed her Euphrates into New Jeruslem what is done in the dark come to the light, no one is going to get away with their crimes,or the masqueraders laundering money, we all were born to cross the great Euphrates ( Euphrates foot note)
foot notres: like the great Israelites, who cross the great Euphrate River we have our own great rivers that we must cross in our own lives. Love and hate meets like the inlet and the ocean and somthing breaks open like a water melon open only to be eaten up by participates.
Second Time Happy
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On tour with this book "After Storms On Orchid Island" Photos display pages 12-20 of Orichid Island, 32-36 New Jersey and 157-167
Total mystery, Romance, Suspense. Now, from the author of Manuscript of a Black Caucasian, Orchid Island , Second time Happy, The Clolor of Hearts, and The Long Summer comes another thrilling read! "after Storms On Orchid Island" blends suspense, mystery and romance into a sexy sizzling thriller complete with three loves in a tnagle! flollow the series with this very important read that will change your life. You wil find that after storms there's cleandup time; after rain there are rainbows.there's more to come.
order books by Dorothy E. Miller
Baker & Taylor Books 1120 Route 22 east
1-8000-775-1800 or on my webpage or dorothy emiller orders number 305-450-1500
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