A picture from my personal desk.
Monday, September 24, 2012
Thursday, July 12, 2012
Mystery, Romance, Suspense,series of books
These books are the story of my life everyoe home know all about my books. Everyone is so in love with them they know the story is true, and nothing but the true so help me God
Friday, May 18, 2012
After Storms on Orchid Island
Another Dorothy E. Miller Thriller
The Fragrance of Love Collection:
After Storms on Orchid island mystery, romance, and suspense. This book reminded my of the patients God talked about in his word,” wait upon the Lord, and you shall mount up like an Eagle.” This has come true in my life. My life has mounted up like an eagle.
After Storms on Orchid island mystery, romance, and suspense. This book reminded my of the patients God talked about in his word,” wait upon the Lord, and you shall mount up like an Eagle.” This has come true in my life. My life has mounted up like an eagle.
All the mysteries in this book will give readers an exciting time that will last a lifetime. There’s lots of love-flash back and talking about the past in many way. I used flashback, and pictures, since it was the only way for the reader to truly understand what’s happening in After Storms On Orchid Island.
This book is a Romance love festival and the prospect of a cheerful love forever. I feel like you should have love in your heart each and every day of our lives.
The Color if Hearts, which I found to be good to read about, the crime scenes where in the dialog. To keep the puzzle going so the reader could follow the investigation. But the main emphasis is solving the crimes. And how the perpetrator is brought to justice. The Romance and mystery were quilted together.
These Romance mysteries, have affected my life, psychologically, and the desires of the two protagonists. The solving of this mystery had brought protagonists closer together. While the mystery and suspense still go on.
Each step of the journey affects and challenged the other, even the crimes bring the hero and heroine together, In this book love has to be investigated. True love never dies; it lasts a lifetime. Some did not believe Elizabeth’s side of the story. She had to prove her innocence and prove the antagonists wrong, despite the face love had overruled again. The personalities of the two protagonists’ love hold them together on the journey to freedom to love.
The protagonist discovered a face that the antagonist doesn’t know about: her Caucasian side. The antagonist begins to respect her, only after the antagonist has caused so much trouble in Elizabeth’s life. This book is a Romance – Mystery thriller.
I have paid close attention to my heart when writing this book. This book will give you a love-joan. This book was fun to write. You will enjoy reading this book as well as appreciate the New Jersey scenes, Orchid Island by the river, the blue lagoon, the easy life of love; love comes easy, true love. The cover shows the two sides of Elizabeth.
When my eyes looked upon my Caucasian brothers in New Jersey that October afternoon in 2006, I knew that life was about to change for me and my readers. We all went into a new dimension. You will enjoy reading this fragrance of love collection.
The Color of Hearts
The Color of Hearts
Dorothy E. Miller
Dorothy E. Miller
This book has been my passion to write in researching the needs of others, and developing a unique technology and solutions, to end the unhappy faces, while paying careful attention to my own.
This book has saved the unborn. Because of the unborn people have been able to build new houses, and have made families closer together and community, this have change the world in the millennium.
Joy make it shine in hearts, live your life abundantly each day, love never fails, all thing are possible by living, there's three thing you need, faith, hope, love. Joshua 1: 7,8,9
The scenes on orchid Island and Key Biscayne, Orchid Island a beautiful Island. More about Elizabeth life on the Island as The black Caucasian. And Elizabeth up bringing as a child. You won't be able to turn the pages fast enough! This is the forth book in sequence with The Manuscript Of A Black Caucasian.
This is a little difference from the other in a way. The way this book is difference, there's a crime scene by Key Biscayne police Department. The crime scene is not a made up scene the scenes are the act of the real deal.
I have loved much more than I did before, and I have given more, because of giving and loving God will always give you more. No matter what happen. I'm so glad that God is my senior partner. If God was not my senior I would not be able to finish this book.
As growing up when my mother married her first husband he was a policeman. The times that I were with my step daddy who was a policeman. I learned a lot about their duties. He die in the line of duties. As a young child I should not understand a person getting kill in the line of duties. But when you read my crime scenes you will see how it happens. The police department was so wrong, that's how innocent people get killed here in Miami because of lies. The police department believes lies. In their masquerade they become Black people. Cubans, whites, all cultural people. Miami is a big masquerade. Then went you need them they laugh at you. And tell you that you will not be working as an Author any more. And then there are some police officers who feel the tears, and pain that you feel, I will ever forget one or two of the officers that was involved they had a real big loving heart.
I was raised by a family, who loved me very, very much and still do, I was born free. This is not the sign of freedom, the sign of hatred.
You will enjoy reading this book to the highest.
Orchid Island. The Manuscript of a Black Caucasian. Second Time Happy.
Orchid Island, The Manuscript of a Black Caucasian, Second Time Happy
By: Dorothy E. Miller
The Manuscript of A Black Caucasian, Orchid Island, Second Time Happy, are books in sequence one following the other. These books are autobiography nonfiction.
These books are the story of my life. I feel like I have something to tell the world about love. My Caucasian dad wanted this so badly. I wrote about the history of Elizabeth’s black family, her grandmother and grandfather her early marriage, and how things were just taken away from her without a reason. Through the writing of these books, I found the truth out about so many, many things. These books were a lot of fun to write. One of the fun things was that I love all of my characters. They are strong characters, and trust me they are no pushovers! Might I add my first book healed others and myself.
Orchid Island has broken all curses, I’m so glad, because this has changed my life, and others.
These books gave me freedom. Freedom is more than a speech. There is freedom of love, freedom of joy, freedom of happiness, and the freedom to live. Before I started my first book, I was tired of being the poor little rich girl. I know there was something better in life. This is why I continue to write.
I so glad that I wrote Second Time Happy, this book has done so many good things already. One big thing about Second Time Happy people are building new house and moving in them. And not letting others steal from them anymore, or try to live their lives. A new beginning for my readers, and audiences.
People lives are changing right before others eyes. This book has brought about the big change we all have been looking for. Curl up, and relax with this one, because this is love and some people say that love can move mountains.
This book Second Time Happy is full of family funk picnics, family dinners, boat rides and book signings.
Love triumphs the highest and deepest emotion of the human heart were there are also innocence, sincerity, faithfulness, and finally true love.
In my story telling I use a lot of color with my paintbrush just like an artist would paint. Orchid Island is full of color. When I talk about Elizabeth moving into the castle, I used my paintbrush. It’s funny how we wanted to live like our parents. When I was with my Caucasian family they live in an apple orchard. Elizabeth wants to live like her parents. I took my dream and my paintbrush and made many colors. That part is my dream.
In the story Orchid Island I talk about the River Boat. When I was a kid, I would go out on the dock and look out and see the boat and ships coming in from the Costa Rica. This was when I was in Florida with my Grandmother and mother. The Indian River was so beautiful, and the sunsets over it.
Orchid Island is in the Indian River area. My Caucasian parents and My Grandmother was business partners. That is how the whole thing started. In the story when I’m talking about Elizabeth’s partner, Patrick and their relationship, that is the close relationship that I saw in my grandmother and my Caucasian dad (not the romance part.) I used my paintbrush again. On Orchid Island Elizabeth gets her inheritance from God. God is so good. He not only a good God, he is a Just God. This book is very dear to me, I put all my experience together, because of my aunt Ruth, and my Caucasian parents I promise her that I would write, not knowing at the time that was going to be a writer. This book taught me he to survive. It’s all about love once again. It’s funny how love just keeps on going on.
When you go to the Indian River area, and you cross the Wabasso Bridge, you are in Sebastian. You won’t be too far from the Sebastian inlet, only maybe four miles. After crossing the bridge, look to the left and you will see the wooden house by the river and the wooden boat dock the big house is on the side.
I thought it would be interesting to write something about Orchid Island because Prince Charles lives on the island when he come from London. Which makes the island more popular. There are lots of castles, horses.
My parents blended me, by adding alternately the black and the Caucasian. When I was growing up and it took both black and Caucasian for me to make it. People look at my achievements and they see something different. I’m the Black Caucasian all right. If it weren’t my enemies would have run all over me by now. Trust me. Our parents are great aren’t they? My God parents are Caucasian. They live right in Miami, area. They were appointed by God to walk with me at all times. It looks like I’m alone. I’m never alone.
Boy as I glad. Thing were put in our kids never go away. It stays forever. Please believe me.
In the story 'm talking about the American Indians some because in Wabasso there are lots of Bahamians and Indians, Caucasians and Hispanic people. In my first book is more about my life with my black family, and how Elizabeth can do so many things at one time because of her upbringing. She is a genius in the story; Elizabeth has great mental capacity and inventive ability. It was my grandmother that was so wise and had great wisdom, that’s why my Caucasian dad had her as a partner in his business. She was old enough to be his mother. My Caucasian dad and my mother were the best of friends, not lover’s just friends. It looks real good to a kid, I’m telling you. It had a great influence in my life. He would do anything with my mother, go anywhere– it wasn’t sex, he was so in love with my Caucasian mother, she and my mother were breath taking, they were some beautiful women.
In the book the strong love relationship was with my Caucasian parents and black parents. Both sets of parents had a very strong love for each other. He would come home in the middle of the day with a headache and all of sudden she would get the same headache. They would go to their bedroom and stay there for hours, until dinner was served.
Orchid Island is full of color and ideas I gave my audience a slash of color. In the story Elizabeth has so much responsibilities, like writing, book signing, publishing her own books, cooking for the River boat that comes in from Costa Rica and key Biscayne every evening for dinner and to hear her sing.
Also in my book I gave my audience another slash of color when I made peace with everyone. I’m talking a little about the multi-cultural community here in Miami, especially my close relationship with my black and Caucasian families.
There is another slash of color. Elizabeth and her business partner Patrick, because my Caucasian dad and my grandmother were so wonderful and he stands by her side in anything she wants to do in business. I wanted that part to be in lights.
There is a slash of color that I give my reader something exiting to read because in the story we have a Rodeo, cowboy, a Harley Davidson guy, all the lawyers friends and judge’s friend that are in her home town, I wanted the whole world to see fun, joy, love, and peace in the highest.
And also how romance is on an Island, how love is on a River. It’s nothing like the Island Girl.
In The Manuscript of a Black Caucasian, I’m telling how Caucasian people are beautiful, and black is beautiful. I’m going to tell you something else because of love and beauty, none of what happens was because of sex, and that’s what makes me happy.
Take chapter one, I wrote this in behalf of my black parents and Caucasian parents. I wanted mankind to see that Black people and Caucasians love each other. I’m still holding on to the love that they gave me, and I am sharing that love with the world.
I’m taking about my relationship with my Caucasian dad and black daddy and when I say Dad that means Caucasian dad, when I say Daddy it’s my black daddy. I will never get them mixed up, because each is his own kind. In my first chapter I want my reader to see how close everyone was, and how caring. Elizabeth was gong to have a baby at a very young age. Her Caucasian dad walked with her every step of the way. Elizabeth’s dad supported her in everything she wanted to do, although his heart was aching.
Chapter two, I wrote about my relationship with both of my parents. My dad and daddy, how we would go places together, but not at the same time, I live six months of the year up north and six down south. The part about benjie would talk to the crowds was the way that my Caucasian dad would talk to people who worked for him.
Chapter three, I wrote about how Elizabeth experienced lots of traveling. Scenes are in the Bahamas. The Bahamas are so beautiful. When I started to write I picked the Bahamas because my grandfather was a Bahamian seaman, and the beaches are beautiful. I wrote how they celebrate things and their cookouts, street dancing and how they like to drink rum. I found so many Miller’s, my grandfather’s family, in the Bahamas.
The Bahamians history I wrote about because my grandfather was a part of it. I feel like I’m a part of the development of the islands.
There are songs that Elizabeth sings throughout the book. That’s the part of me that sings. Oh how I love to sing.
Chapter four, I wrote about my close relationship with my black parents. How we lived and loved the scenes in my book that I wrote about the high life-style of Elizabeth's Caucasian family. They were very rich.
There was tragedy in my Caucasian family's lives. Chapter eighteen, I tell that it happened to Elizabeth, but in real life it happened to Elizabeth Caucasian mother, she died. The story is well written.
Early in the story I’m talking about my sister, and my sister Mease, that I love so much, and how we were so close and shared secrets. And my other sisters and brothers were a very close family. I have two Caucasian brothers that live here in Miami, they both are Lawyers. I have a very, very, beautiful family.
The Long Summer
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The Long Summer |
The Long SummerDorothy E. Miller
From The Miami Times “Lifestyle” section (1998)
One of the achievements in modern literature for children is a genuine history of American life and of family life at its equal best.
If the country can become great in humility, and can work earnestly to solve it’s problems at the same time that it carries it’s share of world responsibilities, it will be in the vision of our children and their integrity and idealism. That is the theme of a new book, The Long Summer, by Miami resident Dorothy E. Miller, a ‘story for children,’ with illustrations by Oscar Thomas, Fred Seymour and Eddie Spragains.
In The Long Summer, Zachary and his grandfather cut hay together. Pa Charles, Zachary’s grandfather, shows his grandchildren how to use a mowing machine carefully and not to hurt themselves. Zachary has two brothers, Howard and John, and a sister, Zebra.
Zebra rides to the field with her grandfather in the hay wagon. She would have fun in the haystacks, as she would trample it down. Zachary was the water boy. He would give everyone water to drink. He was the oldest sibling.
They all worked very hard the whole summer together without any fights or disagreements. Then Zachary and Zebra, had to go on a little journey for the first time, to get a blade for the mowing machine and had to walk through the whole prairie near Kansas City, Kansas. Zachary dreaded going into town because so many people lived there. He was not exactly in fear, but when strange eyes looked at him, it made him uncomfortable.
The whole prairie was about a mile’s walk. They followed the way by Pa Charles’s
wagon wheel, down the dry road to the main street.
wagon wheel, down the dry road to the main street.
On the way back, Zebra became a little scared because she couldn’t find the wagon wheel’s tracks. Zachary knew the way blindfolded, but, first they couldn’t find the way that Zachary knew; they were in the middle of the prairie and didn’t know it.
They were looking for a clue or a sign to tell them that they were on course. Zachary had to follow his own trail back to the road. They were safe again. They were near a house in the woods, the Hughes house. Zachary knew he was seconds away for Pa Charles’s field, so they ran the rest of the way home.
The next morning, Zebra helped Grandma Sandie bake a pumpkin pie, so when Pa Charles returned, the pie was ready.
Then came a rainstorm that lasted four days and four nights. Afterwards there was nothing to do outdoors, so everyone had to help with the cooking. Ma Sandie had asked the Cornelius family to come for dinner. The boys and Pa Charles went to get the groceries. It was an Indian summer indeed.
And so the story goes.
Miller was born in Indian River Country and educated in New Jersey.
She is a writer, singer and ballet dancer. She writes about Whites, Blacks, and Indians, because of her heritage. Her first book was ‘The Manuscript of a Black Caucasian.’ Before becoming an author, she worked as a legal secretary.
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