Monday, September 30, 2013

Self - Publishing
By : Dorothy E. Miller

What type of books sells

Nonfiction products that full the needs and wants, self help books are the most popular, writing romance books, let your story help someone in your book, and your book will sell.  The outside help you will need, a printer, Beyond desk top publishing equipment, you need to be able to communicate effectively in writing. Organized your manuscripts. You need to know someone who will help with proofreading only after you have proofread your work. This is where the fun part come in. know how to sell your self. The key investments  inexpensive  like the Social Media that the best way         
The Color Of Hearts

By Dorothy E. Miller

Mystery full of romance, the protagonist Elizabeth reputation was  put on the line, the take overs wanted to said she was the person they were looking far. They found out they better not go there. and attempts assassination, her threshold guaratian help out.     
No Legal papers from take overs
the take overs filed a quick claim deed
and lived in owners houses, and said the house was their. They told me time and time again, when I would go there and asks for the owner
at first I was thinking they had killed them, thats why I went to the police department and ask for help.  

Friday, September 27, 2013

The Color Of Heart
By: Author Dorothy E. Miller
you can order from my web page 305-687-8824 or 305-450-1500
Barnes&Noble site

you order from my web page
atlasbooks/bookmasters want be able to full your orders only the phone numbers that are listed. 

They went to the court house and filed that the houses were theirs house, thats why I'm printing the real owners legal papers.
Real owners are glad and happy about book "The Color Of Hearts"  

The Color Of Hearts
By: Author Dorothy E. Miller

The Color Of Hearts more than just crimes,  best love story that Ever been written. My intention was to improve my writing by adding pictures, not too look at the take overs take the owners house with evil hex, malice, they had to use some very strong evil. When they started to takeover not just one house all on that street. As I look on they pick on me. I wrote down everything that was said and done.

620 house I parked there with permission from the owners, than I did'nt see the owners for a while, when I did he said he had to leave town. that when it all begain Please get a book and read. 

The Color Of Heart

you can order BN site

Miller&Seymour Inc 301-687-8824 or 305 450- 1500

Thursday, September 26, 2013

Selling of my first Book "The Manuscript Of Black Caucasian" 
By Author Dorothy E Miller 

M y first book signing was a Sawgrass Barnes & Noble. It was beautiful at a conference FRW sponsor I had a big once again I was with so many famous Authors, editor, publishers, I walked into. I didn't waste my time or money. I did adveristing there, promoting my book        
The Manuscript Of A Black Caucasian 
Went to New York at other conference sold books there my book got more exposer

One year we pick up an drove to Kansas City Kansas I went to book sellers. On the way back we stop at booksellers in diffidence   
states. to exposer your book need to travel   
The Color Of Heart
By Author Dorothy E. Miller

The take overs that I wrote about, just have taken these owners estate, without purchase.

The same thing was done on Orchid Island, in the book 
"After Storms On Orchid" pictures in book shows the take over 

I suggest this book all so, these kind of evil people are moving from town to town city to city, and state to state.  
The Color Of Hearts 
By: Dorothy E. Miller

More about ownership of estates on Key Biscayne

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

The Color Of Hearts
By Dorothy E. Miller

The estate was still in owners name at 2003,
the take overs went to the court house and filed a wrong statement saying that the estate was their with no bill of sell. three house was done like that 620 700 710. Here 2003 print out    


Take overs

The Color Of Hearts
By Author Dorothy E. Miller
Pictures of new house pages 26-32 and 53-58, chapter two, after house was finish the take overs began living there, read what happen.
  The Crime scenes began at the court house Miami Florida, in The Color Of Hearts page 49 chapter six in book.  

This house were the first house, rebuild by owner,after rebuilding he went out of city and the take overs began taking over any way they wanted too.
please read book so you can understand the way this was done    
The Color Of Hearts
By:Dorothy E. Miller

Hold on to your Heart, because its full of Color and Love:  A Mystery romance thriller, the journey of love.

Is was because of a police officer that the title of this book" The Color Of Hearts" a heart don't have a Color. 

This book has been my passion to write in researching the needs of others, and developing a unique technology and solutions, to end the unhappy faces, while paying careful attention to my own.

The book is a little different than the others there's a crime scene by Key Biscayne police department. The crime scene is not made up. it is the real deal 

I have loved more than i did before, and I have given more, because giving and loving God will always give you more, no matter what happens, I'm so glad that God is my senior partner. If God was not my senior I would not be able to finish this book. in their masquerade the be come Black people,Cubans,Whites and cultures of people. Miami is a big masquerade. 

my mother married her first husband, a policeman, in New Jersey. When I was growing up the time I spent with him I learned lot of the dutie of a policeman.  As a child growing I was around  policemen a lot, they were good policemen like on Key Biscayne, to help in any way they can Miami police department also. There are some not so good. You want be able to put this book down.  

Monday, September 23, 2013

Writing Tips
Dorothy  E. Miller

Creative Writing 

1.  Start with something interesting or exciting. Don't start at the beginning.

2. Make sure that early in the story you have the name of the protagonist and a brief description of him/her, an of the problem and type of story, some action or conflict, or ida of time and place 

3. Concentrate on the emotional incidents bring out feeling.

4. Whenever you can, have your characters act out the story with dialogue.

5. Elaborate on first experiences and new experiences.

6. Keep up suspense until the end of story.

7. Necessary background can best be given by flashbacks (short).

8. Don't ramble stick to important things and things and make them concise.

9. Use all the five senses in every story.

10. No introduction or postscripts if they are important use in story itself.

11.  Let your main character solve the problem.               

Friday, September 20, 2013

Writing Tips for Self-Publishing

A Story, whether a story or novel, has to be much like a ball game contest between two over forces. Usually at the beginning the force of the antagonist are superior and to the protagonist appear to be losing. You are sympathetic and to the protagonist because you understand his problems. And what he is trying to do. Though out the story the protagonist continues to straggle and at the over come. Never stock the deck in favor of your main character. It is the struggle , the conflict that keeps the reader going. No matter what your theme or goal may be, the story to long to philosophize day dream, or any thing is like a game with a time limit, keep with your main character                  

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Dorothy  E. Miller
Pound Cake with goodies inside
This cake will take me any where I need go
Thanks to my Grandmama

Copyright Tips
By Author Dorothy E. Miller

These are the general requiremnts of registering a published or unpublished work of art. If the book has been published, two complete copies of the best   editions, For unpublished work, one complete copy should be submitted. If the work was first published outside the U.S. The owner should deposit one complete copy of the first foreign edition. If it was contribution to a collective work, a complete copy of the best edition of such work is equired. Different registration forms are needed for other creative works, for example, music, deposit obligation requries that two of the  copies of book be submittedto be copyright office in Washingtio, D.C. instead, thepublisher, probabty out of ignorance, submitted only ine, because of this, th ebook was thrown in th epublice domain(A book thrown into the public domain has no copyright
b protection). Address: Register of copyrights copyright office Libary of congress washingtone, D.C. 20559

Monday, September 16, 2013

Self- Publishing

When a person spends twenty years chasing a dream, ttere are plenty of times along the way when the obvious thing to do is quite, hang it up throw in the towel. Take for intsance, the first time I sent out a manuscript. Like most new writers I mailed it off to the publisher. Certain I'd hear within a couple of weeks, three are four weeks at themost, I run to the mail box everyday.
By the end of the sixth months when my book arrived back at my doorstep. I'd come to realaize that maybe instead of my running the nailman down I should been working on something new. At that point in  my writing career, I decided to make up a list of query letters and query them first, this approch yeld an postive results. Yes, it helped at least in establishing my first contact. I had many publishers on my lisst and I sent out query letters to all  of them. Do not ask me how many times I visited my mail box before the replies started of flood in. Many editors like to work on a book with an author right from the start. The editor might at this stage like to infect some idea into your book, though he will still have to work on it should it be accedpted to Publisher.             Well keep giving you tips on Self- Publishing theres more to come

Dorothy E. Miller

Thursday, September 12, 2013

New Jersey Apple Farm  

These are the memories will last a life time. As in "After Storms On Orchid" in New Jersey The Story tells about Elizabeth would get a basket and pick all the apple she wanted. Some of the apple went to make pies, apple sauce,apple cider.  

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

The good of e-Books

There no cost maybe $500.00 easy to do, set up an account, format and you on your way , you don't even need an  ISBN number, get your cover done, ISBN numbers important i t keeps up with your count of e-books.  Use a distributor, the Author reach more buyers. First time Author keep on with e-books something will open what not good for one person,can be a gold mine for someone else

Monday, September 9, 2013

E-book  The bad

Bad things about e-book:  It's hard to keep your count and your sells. you may sell ten, none get reported. Theres noway for you  to keep. up with sells, even with two ISBN numbers. I had a bad experience with e-books not saying it a good thing, i just had a experience. will I have a anther published? yes. Nothing is big enough to stop me from someone black ball. thats all this is.
"The Manuscript Of A Black" made  me a star, and the beat is still going to go on. This Show most go on. What I'm saying don't stop publishing e-books      

Dorothy E.Miller
  From the time I wrote "The Manuscript Of A Black Caucasian" Black people and Caucasian have come a long way.In the story it about Elizabeth in a integrated world and segregated world, telling how both worlds were full of love. What make the Manuscript Of A Black Caucasian so special the time zone where little love between Blacks and Caucasians. Elizabeth fall deeply in love with a Caucasian at fifteen years old.. and the beat went go.    

Sunday, September 8, 2013

My School in New Jersey

This photo in "After storms On Orchid Island

Photo of "After Storms On Orchid Island"
this book is need read book, History of New Jersey and Orchid Island

The house in New Jersey
H0w  well I remember my Parents strength  and love, they shared with their children all of our life, especially my New Jersey Parents and Family, my Dad on the farm has lots of strength, that"s  how we all come the tragedy that I write about in "After Storms On Orchid Island". Color didn't have a meaning, he held me in his arms like he did my brothers. Some of the book is about the segregated times and the integrated time as a black American. I will always whole these memories close in my for old time sake. Nothing was like the tragedy we all had to over come, you over tragedy with time.