Monday, September 16, 2013

Self- Publishing

When a person spends twenty years chasing a dream, ttere are plenty of times along the way when the obvious thing to do is quite, hang it up throw in the towel. Take for intsance, the first time I sent out a manuscript. Like most new writers I mailed it off to the publisher. Certain I'd hear within a couple of weeks, three are four weeks at themost, I run to the mail box everyday.
By the end of the sixth months when my book arrived back at my doorstep. I'd come to realaize that maybe instead of my running the nailman down I should been working on something new. At that point in  my writing career, I decided to make up a list of query letters and query them first, this approch yeld an postive results. Yes, it helped at least in establishing my first contact. I had many publishers on my lisst and I sent out query letters to all  of them. Do not ask me how many times I visited my mail box before the replies started of flood in. Many editors like to work on a book with an author right from the start. The editor might at this stage like to infect some idea into your book, though he will still have to work on it should it be accedpted to Publisher.             Well keep giving you tips on Self- Publishing theres more to come

Dorothy E. Miller

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